Lee's Hill Catering
Lee's Hill Catering

Lee's Hill Catering Rentals

Please CLICK on the following link for our Extensive Linen Inventory and Colors:


  • Tablecloth Round or Rectangular (white) (Other colors available price may very) $18.95 each
  • Napkins White (other colors available price may vary) $ 1.25 each
  • Seat Covers White (other colors available price may vary) $ 5.25 each
  • Punch/ Champagne 5 Gallons Fountain (Punch/ Champagne not included) $85.00 each
  • 7 Gallons Fountain (Punch/ Champagne not included) $100.00 each
  • Water Pitchers 55 oz. Glass Pitchers $ 5.95 each
  • Champagne Glasses 6 oz. Flute $ 1.00 each
  • Wine Glasses 4 oz. Wine/ Mixed Drinks Glasses $ 1.00 each
  • Water Glasses 12 oz. Water Glasses $ 1.00 each
  • CHINA: Dinner Plates White $ 1.00 each
  • Salad Plates White $ 1.00 each
  • Coffee Cups White $ 1.00 each
  • Coffee Saucers White $ 1.00 each
  • Dinner Knife Silverware $ 0.80 each
  • Dinner Forks Silverware $ 0.80 each
  • Dinner Steak Knife Silverware $ 0.80 each
  • Coffee Spoons Silverware $ 0.80 each

*BARTENDERS FEE: 45.00 per hour, per bartender Minimum 5 hours with a Tip Jar. (Without Tip Jar is $55.00 per hour)

*All prices are subject to change without notice.

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